Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Court of Thorns and Roses by: Sarah J. Maas

I rated this book 5 out of 5 stars.

When Feyre goes hunting one day, she isn't expecting anything but hopefully getting some food for her family. Unfortunately when she's just about ready to take her shot, she sees a wolf. Not willing to allow the wolf to steal the meat, she shoots the wolf dead. Little does Feyre know that the wolf is not a wolf at all, but instead is a faerie in disguise. Soon Tamlin an immortal faerie comes for her, announcing that she will live with him for her punishment. Feyre does not like the faeries and their world, but she must come to terms with her faith or risk the lost of everything she has ever known. Will she overcome her past pretense and come to respect and like the faerie world before it is too late?

I absolutely loved this story. First off, it is a beauty and the beast retelling, so of course I was excited to read it. When I finally got my hands on a copy, I couldn't put it down. I fell in love with every single character and the beautifully crafted world. There were some parts of the story that seemed weighted down, as they didn't move fast, but once I started the book, I didn't want to stop because I just had to find out what would happen! This was my first time reading a book by Sarah J. Maas and I just have to say wow! She did an incredible job creating characters and a world that not only mirrored the original story but also made you feel like you were sucked into the story yourself. I would most definately recommend this book to everyone.

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